Tag: Analytics

Why is CRO important in digital marketing?

In today’s dynamic digital landscape, Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is crucial for businesses aiming to stay competitive. CRO strategically enhances user experience, aligning it with business goals through metrics like Conversion Rate, Average Order Value, Click-Through Rate, and Bounce Rate

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How to Use Analytics for CRO?

Analytics serves as a powerful lens, dissecting user journeys, identifying bottlenecks, and laying the foundation for strategic optimisation. Choosing the right analytics tools is essential, with considerations for features, scalability, and compatibility with CRO objectives

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GA4 and Its Importance in CRO

As digital acquisition and engagement channels continue to evolve, marketers require advanced, intelligent tools to derive meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) signifies the dawn of a new era in analytics, embodying a recognised shift from session-based to event-based tracking, a flexible and adaptive data model, and integrated machine learning capabilities for predictive analytics

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The Role of Heatmaps in Web Analytics

Numbers and statistics can be overwhelming. Heatmaps provide a visual representation of user behavior that is easy to interpret at a glance. They make it simple to identify trends and patterns, helping you understand how users interact with your site

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