Author: Anamiodi Agustina

How to Optimise for Micro-Conversions

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, successful businesses understand that the journey to conversion is not always a linear path. While macro-conversions, such as completed purchases, are the ultimate goal, the significance of micro-conversions should not be underestimated

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The Role of Machine Learning in Conversion Optimisation

The traditional methods of conversion optimisation, such as A/B testing and manual analysis, though valuable, have their limitations. Machine learning emerges as a game-changer, revolutionising the landscape and offering unparalleled insights, efficiency, and scalability

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How to Use Analytics for CRO?

Analytics serves as a powerful lens, dissecting user journeys, identifying bottlenecks, and laying the foundation for strategic optimisation. Choosing the right analytics tools is essential, with considerations for features, scalability, and compatibility with CRO objectives

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How to improve web conversions?

Understanding the basics of web conversion involves visualising your site as a funnel, strategically planning, identifying bottlenecks, tailoring content, measuring success, and ensuring continuous improvement

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The Role of Trust Signals in Boosting Conversions

Trust is the linchpin for successful online transactions, deeply rooted in consumer psychology. Familiarity, transparency, and social proof are pivotal trust signals. Businesses must authentically communicate values, ensuring consistency across channels

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How to track a website conversion?

In the vast landscape of digital marketing, the ability to track website conversions is akin to possessing a powerful compass in a sea of data. As businesses strive to maximise their online presence and drive meaningful interactions, understanding how to effectively track website conversions emerges as a fundamental skill.

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